You are currently browsing the daily archive for November 24, 2008.

Most women who come into our office for infertility have blood stagnation. While it is not always the only reason, it usually plays a part. In Chinese Medicine if one has blood stagnation they will also have qi stagnation. The reason is the blood needs qi to move. The qi moves the blood. So if the blood is not moving the qi is not moving. So, as you can see most women who come in have blood and qi stagnation.

Do you have blood and qi stagnation? Signs and symptoms are:
stabbing pain
dark purple tongue
cramping during period
pms symtoms during period
clotting during period

These are the most common complaints I hear. How does Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine help?
Acupuncture and Herbs move the blood and qi. Women are amazed after a few months of treatment to learn PMS symtoms are not normal as they have been told. You don’t have to feel out of sorts during your period.

What can you do at home to help?

1. Put warm compresses on your abdomen even when you are not in your period, to increase blood flow.
2. Eat warming foods, not cold and raw foods.
3. Practice yoga or tai chi, but avoid pilates and crunches if you are having a difficult time conceiving. Regular exercise is ok, but you don’t want to over work your abs, we are trying to increase blood flow.

Want to learn more? Give me a call: 512-653-6131

November 2008